After many successful years in corporate marketing and new product development, I had grown frustrated with corporate cultures where we simply continued doing today exactly what we did yesterday.  Where performance was assessed more on just keeping the cogs turning than on creating real change.  Where the “why we can’t” mentality crippled any ability to create new growth strategies.

I delved into self-discovery to find a different path forward and unlocked a powerful new way of thinking and approaching challenges.  I learned to transform “Why I can’t” thinking to “How might I…?” thinking.    In short, I created a way to Live in Possibility™.

Living in Possibility™ means consistently seeking new avenues.  Seeing each challenge instead as an opportunity.  Openly welcoming novel approaches.  Deeply listening to the ideas of others.  Getting comfortable with uncertainty.


Like most people, I had been living predominantly in a state of ‘obstacle thinking’ - successfully solving the problems that happened to land in my path, but rarely looking up, surveying the world around me, and consciously choosing to make a change to that world.  

My transformation impacted me so deeply that I committed to sharing this powerful approach with others.  I studied why it’s easier to live in obstacle than in possibility.  I dug into the neuroscience of why we tend to kill new ideas, even when we say we want them. I pored through research about what makes for visionary thinkers.  I learned creative problem-solving and design thinking. I constructed strategies and tools to transfer this knowledge and developed a repeatable framework for building vibrant cultures of curiosity.  

Today, I help organizations maximize results through creative thinking.  I empower their people to Live in Possibility™ and transform their thinking from “Why we can’t” to “How might we…?”   I equip them to create a culture of innovation.

Susan fully engaged the audience with compelling stories and insights, and she taught us concrete thinking tools that we could instantly put to use.
— Karen Watson, VP Strategic Events, Experient / Maritz

Susan Robertson empowers organizations to maximize results through creative thinking.  Her Living in Possibility™ programs and GPS™ thinking methodology transform thinking from “Why we can’t” to “How might we?”

  • Acclaimed Thought-Leader. Harvard instructor in the field of applied human creativity and innovation.

  • Proven Corporate Innovator. 15 years of leading marketing and new product development teams at Pepsico, Hasbro, GlaxoSmithKline.

  • Battle-tested Consultant. Susan has worked with world-leading companies such as Kellogg’s, Novo Nordisk, New York Presbyterian University Hospital, Pepsico, Clorox, Bank of America, Georgia Pacific, and The American Association of Cardiologists to sharpen their strategic creativity and produce real, tangible results.

  • Breathtaking Performing Artist. Susan delivers energizing and actionable insights that shift mindsets and maximize results. 

  • Research Geek. Susan has a passion for leveraging the neuroscience of creative thinking to make the learning and behavior change “stick”. She also helps clients navigate the inherent conflict between individual creativity and institutional barriers to drive real organizational progress.


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